Join us for a hands-on experience, learning about honey bees and the amazing produce that is created inside the hive. We will carry out a hive inspection together where you will see the fascinating inner workings of the hive, and possibly spot the Queen Bee!


    Spend time with our beekeepers learning about the world of honey bees, honey and the life of a beekeeper. Learn the difference between a Queen bee, honey bee and a drone and understand how they all play a unique role in helping the colony to thrive


    Experience first hand, the magic inside the beehive. For this part of the experience you will have full protective clothing supplied and help us with one of our regular ‘hive inspections’. We’ll check for the queen or signs that she’s laying, look for pollen & honey and keep an eye out for early clues that show they may try to swarm. This your photo opportunity of you holding a holding a frame with thousands of bees, or a beautiful frame of honey.


    Settling back in after the hive inspection, we answer any questions you have and taste different types of honey. You will leave jar of your very own to enjoy at home and remember the day by

We are currently booking tickets for the 2025 season, starting in April when the beekeeping season begins. Individual dates will be released in the New Year. All gift card & ticket bookings will be contacted with these dates as soon as they are released.

We look forward to welcoming you to the apiary!